The door is closed
I was at a conference recently and the presenter showed the picture of a door with the hinges on the same side as the door knob, he then went on to say that there were 300 people in the room who were presented with this physical door. They were told the door was not locked and asked to open it. Simple task?!
Do you know how many people were actually able to open it? I am sure you would be surprised to know that only 4 people managed to open the door. Yes you heard right four people! Only four people were able to think outside of the box and push the door at the side away from the hinges. An obvious solution when you know the answer.
How many times have you stood before a ‘closed door’ physically or otherwise and bemoaned the fact that this is yet another obstacle in the way of your progress? Asking yourself why does this keep happening to me giving way to the feelings of frustration, anger, despair and pity and not necessarily in that order?
But what would happen if you paused for a moment and thought about your situation in a different way. What if in fact this was not a closed door but rather a new opening and access to new opportunities?
Before you dismiss this notion out of hand think about it in this way, why would you buy a door?
- To use it as an exit or
- To use it as an entrance to something
It is more likely that you would purchase it as an entrance to something. Both the dictionary and a metaphysical definition support this notion seeing the door/doorway as ‘a means of approach, admittance, or access’ or ‘a portal between two STEMs -Space, Time, Energy and Matter.’
So the next time you are faced with a ‘closed door’ pause for a moment to get a grip of your emotions and think about what this situation is actually saying to you. Ask yourself and answer the following questions:
- What does this situation mean to me?
- How can I use this situation to my advantage?
- What are the lessons I can learn from this situation?
- What opportunities now exist as a result?
Think of your next ‘closed door’ as a wonderful opportunity to grow and step more boldly into your purpose and you will be surprised as to the powerful and positive feelings that this will evoke as well as the opportunities that will present themselves.
Image: Carole Pyke